What We Do

Big Sky develops interesting and imaginative projects across the creative industries – from book publishing to radio production, live performances to music recording, app development to thought-leadership events.

Collaborative Approach

Our working practice is entirely collaborative bringing together skillsets in companies that are complementary, and individuals that work well firing ideas off one another. 

The company are fortunate to be able to call on a network of associates across the creative spectrum, from composers, musicians, writers and actors, to designers, tech developers, producers and policy-makers.

Who We Are

Big Sky is managed by Bryan Beattie, with Anna Day as Publishing Editor, Aisla Cullen as Touring Manager, and Jane Piercy of JaneyPA providing administrative coordination. Jane Wilde of think.in.form designed the website and provides design advice across several projects.

Our project partners include the BBC, Creative Scotland, Scottish Natural Heritage, Heriot Watt University, Design in Action (University of Dundee), Neon, Knockando Woolmill, and Bluemungus; and our creative project associates have included Brian Cox, Liz Lochhead, AL Kennedy, Blythe Duff, Michael Clark, Calum Colvin, Grant Morrison, Thea Musgrave, Ashley Jensen and James Robertson, amongst many others.

Creative Services Scotland

Founded in 2011, Big Sky are the production subsidiary of Scotland’s longest-established specialist cultural consultancy, Creative Services Ltd. The knowledge transfer across both companies helps germinate imaginative ideas and root them in the pragmatic process of bringing them to life.